Friday, May 1, 2009

Well, glad I asked!

So I called Blue Cross today because I still haven't heard back about my request for prior approval, which is supposed to take 3 business days and has taken more like a month - extreme even by insurance company delay standards. Annnddddd... they have no record of my request! Called the office of Dr. Bean, the orthopedist I initially consulted with at Central Vermont who made the referral to Boston, and their very kind medical records lady has a confirmation from Blue Cross that they received the fax of the necessary documentation. Apparently, though, it's disappeared into the hazy blue beyond and needs to be sent again. Long story short, I should be hearing next week about whether they approve this business or not. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that I will not be accepting a denial without a fight!

Meanwhile, I've been reading AKM's account of her PAO experience over at What's the Hip Fix? For those of you looking for some sense of what the hospital experience is going to be like for me, her account starts here and has really helped me understand more what to expect. Also a helpful primer for those of you considering visiting me in the hospital! :)

Happy May Day!

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