Monday, May 4, 2009

Don't get it twisted

A breakthrough! Last night I was performing my usual pre-sleep stretch-and-pop routine and happened to twist right into a spot on the left side of my spine that returned a sharp pain. I sort of "explored" it a little (Anjali, my yoga instructor, would like that) and found that I was able to "breathe into it" (Dr. Hoo would like THAT!) and, after just a few more twinges, relieve the tension. Woot! Now, you may think I'm crazy (already or as a consequence of the following statement), but that particular subluxation is something I've been feeling for at least a decade, and I suspect at the root of my left shoulder troubles. Once it released last night I spent the next 20 or so minutes rolling my shoulders (repeated crunching sounds gone) and swinging my tingling arm (which felt about an inch and a half longer) around like a loonie. Augustus was certainly confused.

My shoulderblade itself is still pretty tight this morning, but thankfully this afternoon I have an adjustment and my reevaluation at the Rushfords, so I can both crow about my progress and start working on the next level of... ah... flexibility, I guess. I feel like Hoo would call it something like "spinal freedom". :)

Yes, so this NSA/yoga/massage combo is really doing the trick! I haven't quite come to terms with the fact that I'm going to have to give it all up in 5 weeks for I don't know how long. Not quite sure how I'm going to swing that, but I'm so glad I've had the time I have to get my alignment in order, which can only help speed my recovery time.

And did I mention what a marvelous weekend I had? Good friends, good food, great music and just a general grand old time. I managed to stay off my feet enough to not get exhausted or increase my pain much at all, though the front of my hip (which is new) has been hurting pretty consistently over the past week and my limp has become noticeable. Well, more noticeable to me - I'm sure other people have been noticing it for some time now!

Oh and my mom finally read a blog! My folks have basically been ignoring everything I've sent them over the past year+, preferring the "The less we know the better" approach (which somewhat drives me insane, but that's neither here nor there!) but I finally hooked them with AKM's blog of her time in the hospital and post-op, so they can get some idea of what to expect. I'm proud of my mom - as scared as I am, it must be even worse for her to consider watching her only offspring go through all this, and facing it head-on is no easy task.

And, finally, after waiting on hold to the dulcent tones of a Muzak version of "Take My Breath Away", I want to wring the collective necks of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Oh, they got the first part of the Prior Approval paperwork from Dr. Bean's office Friday, but the fax cut off so it needs to be sent again. Of course, they are the only people (psychics excepted) who actually KNEW that, because apparently it's not protocol to CALL the doctor when forms are incomplete. Chuckleheads.

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