Thursday, May 21, 2009

It's a good thing I'm such a genius...

...since otherwise I'd have blithely contaminated my autologous blood donation with MRI contrast dye. Whoops! I was talking to my dad about it the other day and said "Huh - I wonder if I can donate blood after an MRI?" Turns out no, no I can't! (Add to the bulging "Glad I Asked" file.) So now I'm driving down to Waltham tomorrow for the sole purpose of an MRI that I could have just as easily had within a 10 mile radius of my home. Best laid plans! Hopefully, though, having one less blood donation (I'm still scheduled for one after my pre-op next Thursday) won't pose too much of a problem - if need be, I can just get some anonymous blood when the time comes.

Today, however, the positive far outweighs the irritating, as last night I not only accomplished tree pose while standing on my left leg but I also DID A HEADSTAND! Ehm... except my headstand also involved assistance from Anjali and a wall (not pictured). :) But still, pretty incredible! The theme of last night's class was celebration, and we had a fine time celebrating each other's small accomplishments, including doing this crazy line of tree poses with the person next to you supporting your extended foot. And not one person toppled to the ground! It was splendid.

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