For. Real. 365 days ago this afternoon I'd never even heard of hip dysplasia, and by the evening I was googling like a fiend, trying to figure out what the heck I was actually up against. Oh, how far I've come since then, jeez, just in anatomical knowledge alone!
For once I am somewhat at a loss as to how to sum up the past year's transformation... suffice to say that today also marks 2 months until my periacetabular osteotomy (say it three times fast!) and I am equal parts confident in my assiduous preparation therefor and terrified of the consquences thereof that I can't possibly predict. Okay, maybe more parts terrified, depending on the day. :) But I know I'm in good hands, and I know that all the work I've done this year can only help improve my chances for a speedy recovery. I'm hoping I'll come out of it all thinking it wasn't nearly as big of a deal as I thought it would be!
I surely would not have made it this far without the support of my ever-expanding team of trusty medical professionals, the blogs of my fellow hipwomen and, most importantly, my friends who have endured 12 solid months of my rollercoaster obsession and all the compulsive information-sharing, shaky sanity, and occasional cane-wielding it has entailed. This summer is sure to be a tough one, but if you bear with me I promise to be much less of a stick in the mud thereafter. Much much MUCH love to you all!
1 comment:
I know about that compulsiveness for information. I overloaded myself in the first week after my diagnosis. But I didn't have one year to obsess - :-) - just 2 months for me from diagnosis to a total hip replacement.
2 months for you to get to a pain free life. It's amazing!
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