Jennifer recommended I stretch my teres by using one of these handy balance balls. "Most people have one stuck in their closet somewhere - I know I do!", she said, and lo and behold I found one (still in the box) in my storage closet, courtesy of our school wellness program of probably 2 years ago. I'd forgotten I even had the thing! But I spent a good while last night listening to This American Life and balancing on my back on the thing, weirdest side effect being severe sciatic pain on my right side that I had to spend some time working through. Otherwise, though, just dandy, and my shoulders, though sore, are feeling good today. Unfortunately I wasn't able to swing the psoas-stretching poses she also recommended, either because I misremembered them or because I'm physically incapable of such things. I see her again next Tuesday, so we'll have to revisit that option!
Jennifer also recommended investing in a tennis ball to help work out my glute issues, but unless I'm mistaken it hasn't started bracing the left side again since last I saw her - hooray! Got an email today that my hip kit shipped, but my crutches are still "processing", so hopefully I'll see them sooner rather than later! Never thought I'd be so excited at age 29 about new crutches! :)
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