Wednesday, April 15, 2009

8 weeks from today

*GULP!* Oh, it seems like just yesterday I was bitching about how long 9 months was! :) Still waiting for word from Blue Cross about whether I'm actually approved to go through with the thing, or whether I'll be paying out of pocket for this happy fun time elective procedure. Fingers crossed!

I have to say that lopsided Hip Hip Hooray cake really cracks me up - how appropriate! And you have to laugh, truly. Hoo spent much of my adjustment yesterday patting my neck with great concern, finally asking "Do you have some family stuff going on right now?" Why yes, yes I do! "Stuff" being "trying to determine if recuperating at my parents' house will actually drive me insane (even while heavily medicated)". At this point, to be honest, I'm leaning towards "it most certainly will", but am at a loss as to what my other options might be. *LE sigh*

Only 2 1/2 more school days til break! OHM shanti shanti shanti...

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