The whole thing has slowed me down to the pace that I probably should have been walking at for the past year. For all the changes I've made to my life, I really hadn't curtailed my walking speed (or, to some extent, distance) much at all until now. I do like to STRIDE CONFIDENTLY through life! I may take Chris up on his cane offer if only to a)remind myself to take it easy and b)give people a visual cue indicating that I'm not just a naturally superslow walker. :)
I was at the Health Center for 2 hours last Friday for my physical, and kept thinking "Gah, medicine is so COMPLICATED!" Got my bloodwork back and learned I have high cholesterol and possible indications of a "fatty liver" - when I told my mom (whose 4 siblings also all have lower back and hip problems) she said "Oh, we all have that!" So apparently that's my inheritance from THAT side of the family. From my dad I guess I got... procrastination, puns, and alcohol tolerance? Mixed blessings all around! So I'm going back to the nutritionist to talk cholesterol and add another layer of paranoia - I mean understanding - to my mealtime repertoire. And I had more bloodwork done (I asked if they could use the same hole from Wednesday) for some stuff I don't even really remember. Thyroid and Vitamin D and something... we shall see.
But, more importantly...

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