I was diagnosed with bilateral hip dysplasia. To say I was stunned would be an understatement. Dr. Crose gave me the short version of what I might expect, estimating I'd need dual hip replacements by the time I was 35-40, a mere 7 years away. Seeing my reaction, she said "Well, at least you don't have cancer!" which at the time seemed a bit cavalier. It's taken me months to understand how lucky I am to have something that's treatable, something I can DO something about and not just succumb to. There are definitely still woe-is-me moments where I lose sight of that, but not nearly so many as there were in the first weeks after my diagnosis. 2008 started out hard for me and just got harder, reaching the pinnacle exactly halfway through the year when my beloved Joon had to be put to sleep on July 15th. I just stopped functioning, something that was all too easy while on my summer schedule. But I had to keep going to the pool, and 2 days later I did just that, clearing my mind in a way I just couldn't on land. As often happens, one of the other ladies in the deep end struck up a conversation with me, and asked "Are you in pain?" I don't think my "Yes" could have possibly conveyed just how much - the question got me right in the gut.
In the past 6 months, I've completely changed the way I eat, sleep, and walk. I've spent 2 days a week in the pool for the past 4 months, lost 30 pounds and started taking fluoxetine (Prozac), something I never ever ever (
ever) could have imagined for myself. My biggest buzzword has been PERSPECTIVE, and my life is radically different.
Yesterday I got a call from Annette, Dr. Kim's scheduler, that my original surgery date no longer worked for Dr. Kim. We rescheduled a week earlier, June 10th, 2009, 14 months from my diagnosis date and 8 months from today! You can't see it because this is the internet, but I'm making a triumphant air-punching motion just thinking about it - you know, like Prince Harry! :)
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