Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ah crap.

Well it seems the bad thing I did on Friday was probably a sprain or strain or tear or somesuch to my beleagured left thigh. It hurts. I saw my primary this morning and she upped my dose of ibuprofen to 600mg, told me to take acetaminophen on top of it and that I'd need to be non-weight-bearing for 4-6 weeks. She was about to give me crutches there, but then thought perhaps a cane would be more appropriate and said I should see my PT to be evaluated. Well, my PT's scheduling for the end of October right now, but thankfully, since she is awesome, she's working me in first thing tomorrow (or this afternoon if she has a cancellation) for a fitting and a little crutch-training. Thank you Susan!!!

Of course this means I'll likely be crutch-bound for my trip to DC (which my mom thinks I should cancel anyhow) AND for Halloween, which just sucks. I'm wondering if I should try to incorporate the crutches into my costume (in which case I need some suggestions!) or not even bother - in any event, it's going to put a crimp in my dancing plans at the Freakers Ball. CURSES!!!

I feel like there's a joke in here somewhere about me and the economy not having a leg to stand on. :)

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