Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My haunch hurts

I'm trying to think of creative ways to describe the location of my discomfort (I also like "flank"), which today is centered around my right (yes, right, curses!) haunch. I think, though, that it's unused-muscles-getting-stronger pain and not joint-falling-apart pain - an important distinction I've come to understand all too well at this point in my life. "Haunch" is also helpful as a verb (which it isn't), as in "I was haunched over an ice pack all evening." Did I mention how much I love ice? I love ice. :) Earth Therapeutics Thera-Belt has also been helpful (though I got it for $9.99 thankyouverymuch!) but it doesn't hold the cold quite long enough for both sides of my beleagured midsection, so I sometimes just use it to hold an ice pack in place - it does the trick!

My shoulders owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jon Kemp and his time-tested hardcore massage technique. It hurts, but it makes an amazing difference - he worked a knot out in my left shoulderblade (which is apparently where my stress goes when I put it out of my mind) that I'm pretty sure's been there for nearly a year. I can really feel the difference when I'm in the pool, since so much of what I do focuses on balance. Boy's lucky he doesn't live nearby or I'd be requesting his services nonstop. Though I'd provide him a nice supplementary income!

In an effort to prepare for my months on crutches I've added arm-strengthening elements to my deep water exercises at the pool. I'm going to be jacked! Turns out dysplasia's a fine reason to renovate and remodel the ol' corpse - the prospect of no longer being able to walk is an effective motivator, believe you me! Um... but not like Madonna jacked, I don't think. And I'll have that one useless leg going on, so... Rats! It's a very odd Sisyphean sensation to be so consciously building up my strength so that I can be better prepared for a surgery that will take all of that strength away. Not to mention that I'm actually getting worse every day no matter what I do. Am I allowed to say "mindfuck" on the intarweb? :)

This post is dedicated to Mike Lowell, my favorite person with a torn labrum... besides myself.

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