Friday, June 12, 2009

Day... uh... something...

Three? I've been in this bed since about 8:15 Wednesday morning, and it's starting to lose its charm! On the plus side, I'm now down to only 3 tubes coming out of me, as last night they took out the "spare" IV that was really paining me and this morning removed the drain in my hip. Which, let me tell you, was a BIZARRE sensation!

Everything seems to be progressing according to expectations, though I've been running a fever since last night and basically just want to jump into an ice bath. Sadly, it is not to be! Really I think the only thing that's happening today (aside from general rest and recovery) is getting the unit of blood I donated back. Tomorrow the epidural comes out and the real fun begins - I've been stepped down to a 6 (out of 10) and can definitely feel pain at the surgery site, if only when I try to move. Thankfully I've got a trapeze (metal triangle hanging over my head) so I can hoist myself up and reposition without doing too much damage. A good bit of popping going on in that hip, which I guess is normal, though I'd be lying if I said it didn't freak me out a bit when it happens.

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