Monday, March 16, 2009

You do it to yourSELF, you do (and that's what really hurts)

I do believe I've finally cracked the code of what's wrong with my left shoulder and... it's me. The last time Hoo asked me "What happened here?" I said "Nothing that I'm conscious of" which made me think maybe I should be a bit MORE conscious of the area. Turns out I lean on it ALL the time, especially at work, and in less than a week of trying not to do such things unconsciously, I've already noticed a big difference. Still hurts, but it seems to be loosening up, which I suppose is to be expected once you stop pathologically injuring yourself!

Oooh and I got my Psoas Book! It's SUPERcool (aside from the glaring mistake in the dedication to her parents, without whose support the "second edition would not of been possible" - oh it just makes me cringe!) and, at first glance, really just just just what I needed. Can't wait to really get into it and start practicing the exercises therein. My next therapeutic massage is a week from tomorrow, and I hope Jennifer can see some change(s) for the better.

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