They say that the mind of a woman is able to dull the memory of childbirth almost immediately, such that at some time in the future a mother might, you know, want to actually give birth again - thus ensuring the propagation of the human race. I suspect Vermonters have a similarly evolved mindwipe for the trials and tribulations of winter - it's the only way I can explain how every year (coming up on thirty now!) I somehow convince myself that "the end of February" equals "Spring", when of course it surely does not! Oh no, what the beginning of March
really means is "icy death trap"! Man, it's scary out there - for dysplastics and... uh... regularplastics? alike. At least I don't feel alone in my Fearful Penguin Walk of Hesitancy around town. Jeesh! Say it with me now: "I WILL not fall I WILL not fall I WILL not fall!"
(This post brought to you by my hero, Tacky the Penguin)
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