A woman I'd just met asked me recently how I knew there was something wrong with my hips, and I had this weird cognitive dissonance for a minute. "Um... because they hurt like hell!" So funny how I've come to take the pain for granted - nobody'd asked me that before and I guess I thought it went without saying!
And because my brain works on anniversaries and countdowns, I have these odd moments lately of "Next year at this time..." as compared to "Last year at this time..." Last year at this time I was pretty much useless, drinking a lot of wine and generally being a sadsack. Not to mention being unable to walk down the hall when I got up from my desk and having no idea why. As such, it's rather edifying to think that next year at this time I'll be cured! Maybe. Hopefully. :) I've had to wait so long between diagnosis and surgery that it seems a real blessing to be able to number my crippled days at anything less than 365. These days it also seems like a blessing to be able to walk without a cane, make my own meals, and put on my own dang pants - things I fear I'm going to be longing for something fierce come this summer.
I missed my appointment with Dr. Hoo yesterday because the weather was iffy, but otherwise am feeling very well in the spine region. I've had three psoa adjustments on the left side and two on the right, and it's made quite the difference. For the first time (ever, I think) I've been able to crack the left side of my lower back, and my right side doesn't even need to crack anymore - amazing! My left shoulder has been steadily relaxing over time, and my neck and shoulders seem to be cricking and creaking their way back into place. What's really amazing (and one of the biggest benefits of NSA) is how now those crackings have a finite end - once I've done it a few times, that area's pretty much set, or can adjust itself, at least, without my conscious input. Incredible! My posture is better than ever, my pain is decreasing, my head is clear (well, as clear as one can hope for!) and my sleep is heavenly. Though I still have the weird dreams - last night being a long walk in a strange city with people walking much too fast for me. And I'd forgotten my shoes. :) Sometimes the symbols of the subconscious aren't THAT hard to riddle out!
I've started (compulsively) watching Deadwood, which has yielded yet another mantra for my dysplastic journey (along with Larry David's cane explanation "Fell in the toilet." hahaha) - this one from the wonderful dancing scene between Doc and Jewel. "I'm as nimble as a forest creature!" (In my mind the squirrel below is going "Eh!")

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