Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Went in this morning to get the results from my labs. My good cholesterol is up from 54 to 74 and bad down from 146 to 108! OH BURN, CHOLESTEROL!!! Additionally, my menacing triglycerides are down from 190 to 83, and I'm feeling pretty... pretty... pretty good! Definitely not too shabby for over the crazy holidays, and I'm sure I would have done even better if I'd been able to stick to my pool regimen over the past couple months. Pretty much impossible, though, between school and holidays - I'll be glad to get back into the regular swing of things.

The pool yesterday was great (and HOT!), though it was hard not to stretch out my shoulder, if only through the regular motions of my exercises. It's feeling a lot looser than it has in months, though, so I'm very interested to see what Dr. Hoo has to say about the state of things this evening. I also have what I presume to be a junkie's tingling anticipation of the relief of cracking the damn thing already!

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