Maybe I'll head on up ta Gun Barrel City! Man, you really don't want to mess with Texas! :)
Friday I decided to forego the cane for my Halloween extravaganza - it was a last-minute decision, but one I don't regret much a'tall. I wandered downtown Rutland for some time, and even DANCED (which was heavenly) and didn't really feel too horrible at all. Until the next morning! Saturday I spent mostly leaning heavily on the cane and lying on my parents' bed with a cat and an ice pack. Yesterday, though, I fore...went? the cane again and cleaned my disastrous apartment for several hours without any real trouble. HUZZAH!
A big part of the Rushfords' clinical... model, I guess, is that improved spinal function improves the body's ability to heal itself. A couple weeks ago if I overdid it on my hip it'd take DAYS (or weeks on crutches) for me to restabilize, but after resting up for most of the day Saturday I was pretty much good! It feels AWESOME to be on 2 legs again - I can't even tell you. And being in the pool Thursday just reinforced the wondrous benefits of my NSA experience - I keep having moments where I'm like "WHOA! I didn't know I could do that!" Like... putting my right hand completely over my head, for instance. Mmmmm life is good!
1 comment:
So good to read some uplifting and positive minded thoughts flowing from your semi-crippled frame. Not that you don't always throw in a positive slant in your most aggrivated rant but it was odd to read entries not so laced with sarcasm....wink, wink. Three cheers for Dr. Matt, Chiropractic in general, getting back into your body for real and a positive head space. Thinking of you often Marissa. Cheers, ben
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