Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I'm getting the fear...

...though thus far I've been able to stave off the bulk of the loathing!

My right hip hurts. There, I said it. The front of my left hip is panging and the side of my right hip is sore, sore, sore. I don't know if you've ever tried to limp BOTH legs, but it ain't easy. The pool yesterday was phenomenal as always (though somehow the water was colder than it's ever been), and I didn't feel any strange strains, so maybe it's just the cold that's doing it. I hope. Except that if it's the cold, I've got at least 5 more months of this. :/

Without getting too far ahead of myself, I'm considering what the next year+ of my life will look like if (when?) I need a PAO on my right side. There are plenty of women who've had both, and I've seen them scheduled as close as 6 months apart from one another, which would put me, in a best case scenario, right around winter break (slash my 30th birthday - yipes!) next year as a possibility. Initially I had said I would do summer of 2010 RPAO but at this point I can't even fathom going through another year and a half of pain and waiting. Of course, an RPAO also means I won't be able to drive even an automatic for maybe 2 months, which would complicate matters considerably. I'm going to give the whole thing a big HARRUMPH!

Today in my as yet futile quest for winter parking, I uttered for the first time the words "I'm handicapped" and felt pretty damn weird. It's not at all accurate... but then it is? Depending on the day? I think the word I've used here before is "limited", but "limited" doesn't get you a snow-free parking spot in downtown Montpelier, now does it?! :) *grumble*grumble*grumble*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please try (I know it is hard) to just focus on one surgery at a time. One is daunting enough but you can really scare yourself by thinking about both. I think a huge part of a successful surgery and recovery is your state of mind. So deal with LPAO first and then worry about the other side. I had years of sciatic and lower back issues that have gone away post surgery. Who knows perhaps your right leg will cooperate for a while, while the left one heals. Stranger things have happened.
Oh and I have to ask why is my blog the one you are making your parents read? Inquiring minds want to know.