Well, it's a Wednesday, which means I'm X weeks post-LPAO, though at this point I've happily lost track. I'm also nearly 4 weeks post-crutches and am happy to say the ball of my right hand has finally healed to the point that you can barely tell it'd been beaten up for months by the otherwise-ergonomic grips of my Millennial Crutches - crutches that have been living in the back of my trusty Subaru since the day of Adam & Sue's wedding, such that I literally can see them in my rearview mirror. mwah ha ha ha ha!
I've been back at yoga regularly and taking Omega 3s, both of which seem to be increasing the sensation in my op leg daily. Also managed to pick up a $10 stationary bike at the fabulous annual Bethany Church sale (which a wonderful man carried to my house for me!), though I haven't done much with it after the initial foray that left me sore. Hopefully a mere seat adjustment will address that, but I want to talk to Susan, the PT I've been missing so dearly lo these many weeks, before getting back on again. And YES I see her tomorrow! No thanks to Boston Childrens, though, as it was Dr. Crose who ended up writing the scrip. Technically I'm still supposed to be on crutches, since the order for my follow-up x-rays never arrived. Great system they've got there.
But aside from still struggling a bit with going up stairs and putting on underwear (that pesky leg-lifty motion!), I'm feeling fairly fantastic. Except when I'm tired my limp is pretty much completely gone and it is with great self-satisfaction that I pass people on the sidewalk. I'm fast again!! There are so many moments when my brain anticipates pain and is pleasantly surprised when there's none - after 2 years of decreased mobility this should come as no shock, but I still get a lovely frisson every time it happens. And I can't tell you HOW many times a day I think "I am SO happy I'm not on crutches!" Last week I played my first post-op (half) round of disc golf, which really drove both points home. The last time I'd gone was a week or so before surgery and by the time we got to the first bench I was already struggling and couldn't wait to sit down. This time we got there and I was fine, just FINE thankyouverymuch! Granted I'm a little slow on the up-and-down hilly bits, but that's probably 85% paranoia and only 15% actual physical limitation. Overall I'm definitely not back to 100% (not that I even remember what 100% feels like, really) but I'm getting there, and actually excited to see what Susan has to say tomorrow (slash a microscopic bit concerned she's going to tell me I've effed something up in my enthusiastic rush towards bipedalism, but only a bit!). We shall soon see!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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I've been told "no yoga" but I have decided to do it anyway. (How else to regain flexibility ...) How often do you go? What limitations are you finding? I can't do much that requires external rotation but can modify almost everything else. I'll never be able to sit cross legged, but my core is still strong so I can do strength moves like planks.
Really?? Man, when they told me I had to stop for 3 months I thought I'd lose it. I've been going 1-2 times/week for 90 minute classes (Anusara) and have been able to do nearly as much as I could do (as a beginner) pre-op.
I definitely make use of blocks and my best buddy the bolster - really the biggest limitation is that my balance is still a bit shaky and my knee on the op leg is still working out how to support me in lunge sort of positions. Whenever they say to do something like "hug your knees to your chest" I just snicker to myself and do the best I can. Talked with my PT about it yesterday and she assures me the discomfort I feel in that position is just needed stretching, and not bad for me as long as I don't push myself. If anything, it's done wonders for my alignment, not to mention peace of mind!
My balance seems to be good, but that's about it! I was told "no lunges" (ever), so I don't do the warrior positions. I'm afraid that turning out the back foot and bending the front knee will never be possible, and I shouldn't do it anyway. I'm not allowed to do squats either (ever) so pulling my knees to my chest is probably a bad idea.
Lots of "shouldn'ts" for me. I'm trying to figure out which ones I should take seriously. I think all my surgeon wants me to do for exercise is walk/elliptical/swim for the rest of my life. None of those really thrill me.
You're about a month ahead of me as far as recovery time so I'm glad I can look forward to doing more as time goes on.
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